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Our Purpose

At Protect & Preserve Hawaiʻi, we want to do our part in making the world more sustainable.

We focus on giving back to the ʻāina (land) through mauka to makai conservation efforts and aim to protect Hawaiʻi’s native ecosystems and cultural heritage. 

We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact in all our pursuits.


Our Vision

Thriving native ecosystems stewarded by a robust conservation community dedicated to living pono and leaving a legacy of sustainability.

Our Mission

Embracing our kuleana to protect and preserve Hawaiʻi's fragile ecosystems through conservation, culture, and community. 

PS kaiona pahonu pohaku
kaiwi coast mauka makai mission 5.20_edited.jpg

Our Purpose

Cultivating a community that cares deeply for the ʻāina and each other.

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